Friday 25 July 2008

sja continued

trail as you saw it had a graske  a sontaran a clown sarah jane worried luke maria clyde and a girl wich is either a companion or the rani and i found on penguin one of the episodes will be called last sontaran and another is called day of the clown


since sja is same makers of doctor who I will put it on to series 2 is coming up trail

Sunday 13 July 2008


russell t davies is leaving moffat is taking over

Tuesday 8 July 2008


when you watch it when the video has  done go to video responses and the next part will be there

watch it!

you can watch the hole episode here

Monday 7 July 2008

jorneys end

it was good wasent it no companion died  but donna left

Saturday 5 July 2008


one of the companions will die I think it will be donna waaaaaaahhhhhh

Thursday 3 July 2008






FRANCINE: What are all those numbers?
MARTHA stands, starts hoisting the Indigo Project
MARTHA: Grid reference. Now Jack's explained the base code, I know how this teleport works. I think. But you stay indoors, theres no Daleks on this street, you should be alright, just keep quiet.